Frequently Asked Questions

Our aim is to make working with us a simple, efficient and rewarding experience.  
  • You will receive a list of life review questions and suggestions for types of images, momentos work well as story assets.
  • In person or online meeting to storycraft and design script
  • Prepare asset assembly – digitized images, newspaper articles, audio/video existing clips, public appearance, awards, memorabili
Our team makes every effort to put the interview subject completely at ease.  The onsite producer reminds the subject to repeat the question and coaches through comfort factors being on camera. If the interview is by Zoom, a test session will have taken place prior for optimizing lighting, sound and camera angle for the subject. As a guideline, the interview will be  1 hour.  

For an in person shoot, the producer will provide a full checklist and timeline for what to expect. In general, 1 hour is required for set-up, and 1 hour to 1 ½ hour for the interview. 

Above all, you can expect attention to detail, ease and care — just as if we were interviewing our own family member.
Turnaround time is dependent on the project specification. In general you can anticipate a 2-week turnaround. 
Yes, much like any of your favorite historical documentaries, we can guide you through assembly of existing assets and memorabilia of your loved one. A third person narrative script is created to preserve and cultivate the story. 
Please find our information under Contact, and we would be happy to discuss any questions you have in further detail.

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7 Questions to ask your loved one to start building a family legacy